I can't believe I actually paid money for this! I was staying in Kota Kinabalu in the Sabah region on the island of Borneo and I asked the hotel clerk for an exciting place to visit. I was thinking more of a jungle adventure but he responded enthusiastically that I must see the Upside Down House. This is usually not the type of place I go, but due to his enthusiasm I acquiesced.
I had my own car in Borneo so I took the hour or so drive to see it. What a huge disappointment! I should have known better. The minute I saw it I should have just kept driving.

As intriguing as it may look to the locals and many tourists, this is not my cup of tea. But I made the drive so I decided to enter.
There were two separate tour groups. One for locals in their language and one for foreigners in English. I probably would have had a better time going in the local group. As it was I was the only foreign tourist this day so I had the tour guide to myself.
I don't have any inside the house photos. I can't remember why, but probably they didn't allow pictures inside. They probably feared they would lose business if others saw how lame it is.
The inside was as expected with furniture hanging upside down from the ceiling. No surprises. It was a short tour as the house is not that big.
I asked the guide what was the purpose of this building. Was it built just for a tourist trap? He responded with an odd answer that stuck with me. He said it's here as a reminder if we don't take care of our planet things will go upside down.
I couldn't help myself. I laughed out loud and immediately regretted it. I know he was being serious but that was funny! He laughed too out of embarrassment I suppose. But I should have controlled myself better.
Anyway, even the lamest of events are memorable. I'm glad for all experiences, even the bad ones.
A few more pictures from the outside:

If you ever go to Kota Kinabalu, show more restraint than I did.
Your safe with me on this secret