I've never quite experienced an island like this before. Located about an hour plus from Seoul, this is a unique place for Koreans to enjoy a weekend or holiday. Also a great stop off for tourists.
I went to the island with low expectations, but was pleasantly surprised. If there is an island theme (and there are many here) I would suggest simply "cute".
Now I like cute things. I mean, who doesn't like to smile? That's exactly what I did when I came across these kids. I asked for a photo with them, and the grandmother (I'm guessing) agreed.

Now who's not smiling looking at this cute little fella?
And then his brother (again guessing it's his brother):

Grandma in the background seemed to enjoy the moment as well.
The island was filled with all types of odd, but cute, forms of transportation:
These look a bit difficult for old knees. Better leave this for the kids.
This island was extremely dog friendly. And the Koreans love their dogs (and not in the way the Vietnamese do, if you know what I mean.)

Maybe a bit too cutesy?
This moon shaped island is famous because of the K-drama filmed there. It is featured on the show "Winter Sonata" (I know, means nothing to me either, but if you're Asian reading this you likely know all about it). As I've said before, K-Pop and K-Drama is all the rage on this side of the world.
This island is also unique in that it has declared "cultural independence" from South Korea, whatever means. It's technically called the Republic of Naminara. Luckily you don't need your passport to enter.
Entry to the island is by ferry boat at a cost of 16,000 KWN ($12 USD). The ferry runs every 10 minutes and the journey is only 5 minutes.
There are a number of animals on the island, not all indigenous. I don't think this guy is a native:

But back to cutesy, how about this:

Who doesn't think bunny rabbits are cute? And how about the kids enjoying them?
Ok now on to the dress of the young kids in love:

Many of them liked to dress to match. But not only dress to match, in some cases they wore the identical clothes!:

They looked about the same size. They probably only had one closet of clothes they both pulled from.
Alright, I like cute, but maybe that was a little too cutesy, for my taste anyway.
Ok, I saved the best for last. The day I visited the island was during a Korean holiday. I don't know which one because it seems they have one every week there. I don't know when they find the time to make all those Hyundai and Samsung products!
Well, this holiday they featured the Indian culture on the island. I actually surprised myself by enjoying one of the dance shows. But soon after it began, this little girl stole the show:

She danced for at least 10 minutes. Her mother kept trying to pull her from the field but the girl wouldn't stop. I'll end this cutesy post by allowing you to enjoy her rendition of Indian dance:
Can’t get enough about cute kid activities. I love seeing kids happy. I am glad you were able to capture this little girl dancing. 😊👏🙏😍
The innocence of being a child . They are the cutest . I love the part of interacting with them. Either by taking a picture or in other blogs feeding teaching or asking them questions.