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The Improbable Universe

Writer's picture: Kirk Kirk

Last week we looked at traveling to different universes. We looked at The Many Worlds Theory and found that many prominent physicists believe that other universes exist. Not just a few, but countless many. More bizarre, is they think versions of us split off into these other universes all the time.

Well, mathematically that might be the most correct answer for the measurement problem we looked at last week, but it’s also the most bizarre. I doubt I have a reader here who believes in it. As for me, I say anything is possible so I discount it, but I don’t rule it out.

But let’s discuss the universe we know. This one we are in right now. If you think The Many Worlds Theory is crazy, how about this universe? The fact that we even have a universe to explore is just crazy. I mean, it shouldn’t exist.

The conditions for this universe to exist are astronomically small. The perfect conditions had to be present in many, many areas for this to exist.

The more likely outcomes of a universe is that it would be ripped apart, or for gravity to force it to collapse back in on itself. The fact this universe has such perfect symmetry is amazing. Even the existence of the simple atom is so improbable.

Statistically, this universe shouldn’t exist. The odds are so stacked against it, many would call it a miracle. I try not to make this a religious blog because of the sensitivity of politics and religion. But the religious man would claim this as proof of a God, a designer. Only a God could create something this complex with the physical laws present to keep it in existence.

Most scientists are not religious. They tend to stick with things that can be measured and observed. So how does the scientist explain the existence of this universe which they fully know is so incredibly improbable? How do they remain a sceptic of an all-knowing and powerful Creator and Designer for this aberration of nature?

Good question! I’m glad I asked it of myself.

Well, one of the explanations I have read, and perhaps their most convincing one, is that this universe exists because it is the one we can live in.

Doesn’t seem like much of an answer, does it? But, if you remember The Many Worlds Theory from last week, many physicists believe there are many universes that pop into existence. We are living in but one of countless universes.

But what about all the others? Well, if new universes are constantly coming into existence, eventually the odds favor a universe as ours coming into existence. I mean, if the odds are one in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001, then after that many universes come into existence, chances are one of them will be ours.

All the other universes that didn’t have these perfect conditions are gone, only existing for a millisecond or less. No one ever knew they existed because they couldn’t sustain life. We know this universe because it is the only one we can know. Because it's the one that could sustain itself and life.

It all came down to probability, and given enough coin flips, every google years or so, someone can flip heads a billion times in a row. Statistically, if it can happen, it eventually will, given the opportunity.

I'm reminded of the con artist who sent out letters to 10,000 people telling them the winner of the football game. Half were told one team and half the other. He was right on 5,000 of these letters. So he took those 5,000 he was right on, and did it again. After 10 iterations of this he was down to 10 people whom he sent the right team to all ten times. So now he requested they all send him $10,000 if they wanted to continue to receive the winner of the games.

These 10 were so impressed at the improbability of 10 winners in a row they happily paid. But it was all a con. The con artist only used real probabilities to create the illusion of a system he had, a miracle if you will. If you do things enough times, probability gives the illusion of a miracle.

It is truly amazing that we have not only a world we can travel within and explore, but also an improbable universe. I’m not an arbitrator between science and religion on this blog. It’s not the purpose of it. I merely post each side. Regardless, most people are already convinced in their own minds. But either way you look at it, it is amazing we are even here to contemplate the question of our existence.

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Roger Wells
Roger Wells
Feb 21, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.



njm lion
njm lion
Feb 21, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

The math and breadth associated with Cosmology is often times very difficult to comprehend. With 100+ billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy and 100+ billion galaxies in the observable universe, understanding the probabilities for stuff to happen is far beyond current capabilities. All this before even throwing in multiple world theories.

Feb 21, 2024
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Mike Wells
Mike Wells
Feb 21, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

You have put a lot of thought into this. I think the world is an amazing place. How we have so many cultures is an amazing thing.

Feb 21, 2024
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I think someone else put a lot of thought into. I’m just regurgitating what I’ve learned from others, thanks for the comment!

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