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Wacky Wednesday

Updated: Dec 21, 2023

Ok, I've designed Friday's as "Fictional Friday" where I take my travel photos and invent a story to them. In an effort to further diversify this blog I'm going to try something new every Wednesday, at least for awhile. This may not be everyone's cup of tea. But, as I've said, I believe in the saying "variety is the spice of life".

In this new Wednesday series I will post on some of the weird stuff, at least loosely related to travel. Last week I posted on Time Travel. Next Wednesday I will post on Space Travel which is an extension of last week's post. I may include some other components to Wacky Wednesday including some of the amateur poetry I've written in the past.

I have some selfish reasons for this. If I can include some of the things I've written in the past, it can save me some time writing these daily posts. The amount of time I spend on a post varies but probably averages about an hour if I count everything.

For today's post I will include a simple poem I wrote that goes along with last week's post on Time Travel. You may remember the direction of time is believed to be set by entropy by the majority of physicists (at least the majority of books I've read). I wriote a poem on Entropy years ago. Now how wacky is that?

Before I began traveling to the other side of the world, I was emotionally struck by the disaster that happened in Japan in March 2011. A magnitude 9.0 earthquake hit off the shore of Japan causing a massive tsunami that not only killed people, but caused a nuclear disaster that still persists today.

Nearly 22,000 people died as a result of the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear evacuation.

At the time I was contemplating travel to that area of the world. This accident caused me to pause and rethink my interest. But ultimately I did travel to Japan twice. I remember at the time the impact this event had on me. Enough to inspire me to write about it. Here is my never shared before thoughts on the disaster:


The majesty of the oak lies bare on the canopy floor,

Decaying back to whence it came.

Nourishment for future generations,

The mighty structure returning to randomness. 

Our star radiates its brilliance on which we depend,

Its nuclear fuel exhausting each day.

One day to lose all form,

And to dissipate its mass/energy into chaos. 

The empire country stood with perfect form,

The pride of the order of civilized men.

But Mother earth shook its foundations,

And made a mockery of the devices of men. 

As man stared through the rubble of former glory,

Bewildered of how it came to be.

A life that once made sense,

Replaced by the chance-medley fate of all things. 

How trivial the anarchy of one man's life,

Knowing that time lays waste to arrangement.

The future of all structured mass and energy,

Doomed by the laws of entropy.

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njm lion
njm lion
21 ธ.ค. 2566
ได้รับ 5 เต็ม 5 ดาว

Poem provides a better example of the Second Law of Thermodynamics than the often used scrambled eggs description.

21 ธ.ค. 2566

Thanks Nick. I guess there’s examples all around us. Including my body! But if you find entropy interesting, like I do, next week’s post will be better (I think).


Roger Wells
Roger Wells
20 ธ.ค. 2566
ได้รับ 5 เต็ม 5 ดาว

I really enjoy reading your perspective on things that have happened in the countries you have visited. I remember watching a news documentary where they went back to the area where the nuclear plant is and it was eerie to watch. The town was vacant with everything the way they left it. What an absolute catastrophe. 😞😞😞

20 ธ.ค. 2566

Thanks for the comment. I actually never visited this area in my visits. But I did visit Nagasaki on my last visit (the site of the nuclear bomb ending WW2). One day I’ll post on that.


Mike Wells
Mike Wells
20 ธ.ค. 2566
ได้รับ 5 เต็ม 5 ดาว

I like It your perspective on how things were on how things may be going forward.

20 ธ.ค. 2566

Thanks Mike. This is fun stuff to write about. I appreciate your encouragement.

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