The Dead Sea borders Jordan and Israel. From the Jordan side, where I visited, it was quite easy to see across the water to Israel.
It's a bit sad that the good access to the sea is owned by large hotel chains. This denies access to much of the locals who are forced to pay the hotels for the privilege. Hotel patrons receive complimentary access, but that still precludes the majority of the poorer population living here.
A view across the Dead Sea to Israel.

The place was quite beautiful with scenic areas as this. From this height you can see where the sea once was. But the level has seriously declined over the years due to overuse and climate changes.

The purpose of this post is to relay my experience with the Dead Sea. As all do who visit, I ensconced myself with the famous mud from the region and floated in the high salinity waters.
From the hotel I walked to the shore where I found hotel staff eager to smear the mud on me from the vats placed near the water. Although you could use the mud you scooo from the waters, this mud has been cleaned (I know, sounds weird) so that it can be applied smoothly.
I told a staff member I preferred to mud myself but I required his help in picture and video taking. I didn't tell him I had a severe aversion to being touched all over by other men.

I applied the mud all over my fat body.

The mud is filled with minerals that greatly enhance the skin. It is famous throughout the world for detoxifying the skin. For me, a person with very oily skin, it draws out the oil leaving me with a drier face. Since I suffer from rosacea, this is an excellent treatment and prevention for the large postules that present themselves during periods of inflammation.
After application you can feel how smooth and soft your skin and hair feels. Only wash off with water, no soap, as you want to maintain the minerals on your skin.
It's important to only keep the mud on you for no more than 20 minutes. I left it on one spot unknowingly for longer and broke out with a rash.
After application I went into the water for washing off the mud and floating.

The sea has the highest salt content in the world at 33.7% salinity. This makes sinking in these waters impossible. Everyone floats!
Sounds like a great place to learn to swim right? I don't think so. The high salt content makes this an incredible irritant to not only the eyes, but any small cuts you may have on your body. If you don't know you have a cut prior to entry, you'll soon become aware. Don't shave before you go in!

The Dead Sea is the lowest place on earth. It's located over 1300 feet (414 meters) below sea level. But there is nothing noticeably different at that level, unlike the noticeable thin air at high elevations.
I left the place with mixed feelings. I knew I was among the privileged of the world who can access these beautiful places. But, I felt badly for the locals who are mostly denied access to the prime areas of the water due to their inability to pay for the privilege. I am not one of those who feel guilty for having these privileges as I did nothing to harm anyone. I just felt the local government should make the prime water access more available to their people
I'll leave you with a video of my experience: