Ok, I'll talk a little about the ultimate form of travel in the quantum physics realm. The concept of quantum jumping. Now I've already discussed my naive view of quantum leaping here:
So, how is quantum jumping different? Well, to put it bluntly, and bizarrely, it means instantaneously traveling from the universe we live into another one where you retain all the knowledge you possess here, but your life is slightly different.
Sounds crazy doesn't it? But there is strong mathematical and therefore scientific suggestion it exists. In fact, there are many prominent physicists who believe in a multi-universe existence where we "split".
I don't mean to bore you with the specifics as there are books you can read on the subject if you're interested. Besides, I could never do the subject justice. But, to give just a glimpse of the science and math, a guy named Erwin Schrödinger suggested through his equations that things can have different histories. He further suggested the only way the equations really make sense is if all these histories played out at the same time. That can only happen if we "split off" into different universes. Those other dimensional universes being invisible to the one we are in.
That means there is a version of you in a lot of other universes of which you are unaware! You might be reading this right now unaware you just came into existence in this universe! Sounds bizarre? Well it is, but many intelligent people believe it! Personally, I'm not intelligent enough to believe it, but I don't count it an impossibllity either. But, I think we live in a much more strange place than we know, based on the quantum theory.
Ok, so enough on the science. What about quantum jumping? How would you do it? My understanding is you do nothing to make it happen. It occurs naturally. Well I suppose there are ways you could make it happen but you could never control the outcome.
But there are some TikTok champions out there who suggest you can! They believe if you meditate on the outcome you want to achieve you can force it. Let's say you want that promotion, or you're interested in a relationship with a certain person, it is suggested by meditation on the outcome you want, focuses your energy to force you into the universe where it occurs!
Well, I really don't know what energy they're talking about. Mind energy? I've never seen anyone bend a spoon yet with that mind energy. It sounds like hogwash to me. But the TikTok's get a lot of attention with millions of views. Hope springs eternal!
I will say the more I learn about the world we live, by reading quantum physics, the more I admit to my ignorance. I don't count anything as impossible because that's what quantum laws teach us. But they also teach us of probability. Some things are just so improbable they are not worthy of consideration. However, this is not one of them to me. I think quantum jumping is unlikely but it is still possible, just not by this so-called "mind energy".
Yeah maybe I am one of those lunatics, but at least there is some math and science to support this lunacy.
Happy jumping everybody!
Couldn’t agree more with you guys on this. 👍
I remember some things that happen that night. Unfortunately not everything thank God we were not hurt worst. I personally think back on these times and say why am I here today. I guess someone thought I needed to be for a while longer. Sorry you want to forget about this part of your life
I find that I personally think of these scientifically things. I find it interesting on people's perspective right or wrong everyone has a right to there thoughts. Until proven who is right