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  • Writer's pictureKirk

Those Pesky Monkeys

Now I will start by telling you I am an animal lover. I've been a dog owner for most of my life. I'm one of the many people in this world who hates to see the abuse of animals.

I will also inform you that view is not shared through much of the world. I've seen a lot of abuse in the world to animals. I've witnessed a cage full of skinned dogs being transported by bike in Vietnam for what I assumed to be for consumption. I've witnessed chained elephants that must just stand there in the heat of Thailand for hours for the visual "enjoyment" of others. I've also once witnessed a dog chained by the neck to a post on the street that I mentioned in an earlier post that was having difficulty breathing (I intervened on that one).

I've seen a lot more regarding animals I may share in future posts. Our western view of generally being good to the animals in our environment is not shared around the world by everyone.

But, having said that, there is one animal I don't like. Don't get me wrong, I think they look cute and I would never cause them harm, but I don't like them around me! I'm talking about those pesky little monkeys!

You just can't trust them. Especially when they run in troops (yes that's what a group on monkeys are called...I had to google it!). They are the biggest thieves of the animal world. Maybe other animals are just as inclined to thievery, but these critters are smarter than others and know how to do it better.

If you're staying in a hotel with a balcony near their habitat, never leave anything outside. I'm not just talking about food either. Most animals will only go for the food, but not these guys, anything is fair game for their curiosity. Including your cell phone.

Now the last thing I need is for these guys to be racking up roaming charges and international calls on my phone. I'm not sure who they're calling but I assume these Thailand monkeys have relatives in Indonesia they like to keep in touch with. But hey, get a job and your own cellular calling plan!

I also never quite trust them not to get violent with me. When I'm around these troops of monkeys I get flashbacks to Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" movie, but this one with monkeys. Yeah I still remember that scene where the eyes get pecked out and imagine those monkeys clawing at mine.

Anyway here are some pictures of a restaurant I stayed near a troop of these monkeys. You can see how these opportune mammals are just waiting for their chance.

Yeah they're not my favorites of the animal world. They will quickly take advantage of any opportunity they can to steal from me. Then they run off into their jungle, laughing it up with all their buddies at how stupid I am. All the while doing their silly monkey happy dance;

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Roger Wells
Roger Wells
19. apr.
Bedømt til 5 ud af 5 stjerner.

I absolutely agree. I would not want to be around that many monkeys 🐒. The one Vema Brown had was a nasty thing. 😡

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19. apr.
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I can’t imagine living with a monkey

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Mike Wells
Mike Wells
02. apr.
Bedømt til 5 ud af 5 stjerner.

Velma Brown from Fayette Me. Had a monkey he was a nasty thing. He did some things that I can't repeat but they'd things that are very mischievous. He actually drove her car into a store.

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02. apr.
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Wow! That’s a much better story than mine!

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